New portal page

We now have a new portal page for our Forgejo, as the latest update to versio 1.20 broke the previous customizations and having a dedicated portal page that is shown to visitors only has many advantages.

Made with Hugo

The new page is built with the Hugo static page generator can can be found here. We use the Hugo-blog-awesome theme for it. Unauthenticated users will be automatically redirected to it when reaching It will also be used as a fallback should the main Forgejo git repo be down for maintenance or other issues.

New functions

The new portal page allows up to have a nice blog for project related updates and the latest status messages. It will also include a shortend summary of our mission statement and services offered with links to your Wiki and support channels.

LiberaPay Team account

In somewhat unrelated news, we also now have a new LiberaPay team account now. Stay tuned for a more detailed update on how you can donate to the people running our servers.